Posts Tagged 'grant dollars'

Reaching the goal line

As a big fan of college football I know that the winner of the game usually has the best plan to reach the goal line. It requires both short term achievements (have to make that first down!) and traveling the length of the field for that touchdown (or field goal).

The same is true for nonprofits. Nonprofits need to have a plan to reach short term goals as well as long term ones. And, they need to tell their various constituencies, especially donors and prospective donors, what those goals are and how successful they have been in achieving them.

Just like in football, you have to measure that success. So instead of getting the field chain crew to measure the 10 yards, your nonprofit needs to have a structure in place to detail quantifiable goals.

Why tout your success and your goals? Because the competition for donor dollars or grant dollars is fierce. The nonprofit that has the best game plan and can prove success will be the winner every time.

