Posts Tagged 'Jacksonville'

Jocks For a Cause

This past weekend I saw a segment on an NFL pre-game show about Mark Sanchez, New York Jets quarterback, who is heavily involved in a number of nonprofits that help children. They focused on his work with Tuesday’s Children, an organization that helps children who lost a parent in the 9-11 attacks.

I think it’s great that Sanchez has taken some of his hefty salary and uses that along with his notoriety to support a nonprofit. I also thought it was generous when New York Giants Head Coach Tom Coughlin founded The Jay Fund in 1996 (when he was coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars). The fund is named for Jay McGillis, his former player of his at Boston College who died of leukemia. Even though Tom no longer lives in Jacksonville, he is still active in the cause and fundraising efforts.

I do have some concerns about athletes that establish foundations and then expect the public to be the greater funder. Athletes have benefitted from their success both financially and with brand awareness. They have an obligation when they start a foundation to remain the face of the effort, be active in any fundraising, and put their money into the cause.

(Still More) Tardy for the party

GoooOOod Moooorning Vietnam C2C Followers!! So glad you dropped by for the fourth and final tip that will save your party attending career.

#4: If you can’t say something nice… don’t say anything at all.

All too often I hear, “that event stunk… that event was horrible” (usually phrased with other choice words). Here’s my suggestion; if you think something could be better, get involved—join the committee and offer constructive criticism or start your own committee to create your own super awesome event. But if you don’t have this drive inside you to make a difference then keep your ugly comments to yourself. Next time you want to scream “Ewe” or “OMG,” stop and try to find one nice thing about the event and announce it to everyone around you… positivity is contagious.

Remember, if you follow these simple tips, you will probably become the most popular Jacksonvillian and be invited to every event in town. People will envy your know-how and suave behavior and then you can tell them you learned everything you know from Heather Smith: Eventress Extraordinaire.

(More) Tardy for the party

Okay, where did we leave off? Oh that’s right, you’ve been oblivious to proper party etiquette, which you are working on now thanks to me, and you think I am the most brilliant person in the world.

#3: The early bird gets the worm and cheaper tickets!

There is a silent killer targeting events in Jacksonville… it’s called Lazyassopotomus and it’s slaying Jacksonville events left and right. This affliction is brought on by people waiting until the day of to buy tickets for an event. Guess what? There is a reason why events offer early ticket discounts. It’s not only to boost ticket sales, it also used to gauges interest in the event. Early ticket sales help to determine a general headcount for things like food and beverage. Sometimes if an event fizzles before it even happens due to low pre-sale, event organizers are forced to slash items from the budget. So all those fun little surprises that events often lack (ie: free booze) were probably cut due to a strike of Lazyassopotomus!

Tune in next time: same bat time, same bat channel! Tip #4: If you can’t say something nice… don’t say anything at all.

