Posts Tagged 'Penn State'

What Nonprofits Can Learn from the Penn State Scandal

The news out of Penn State is horrifying. It is a scandal that tarnishes the core and brand of Penn State not to mention the precious lives of children. It is sad on so many levels but it would be even sadder if we didn’t come away with important lessons learned.

The most important lesson is that it is not about YOU. Somewhere along the way I think Joe Paterno forgot that. Nonprofits need to realize that it isn’t about the most generous donor or the long-time charismatic executive director – it is about the mission and those who are helped.

Tied in with lesson number one is that WE ALL have a moral responsibility to do the right thing. Not just the minimum required by the rules. Joe Paterno and Penn State may have followed the rules process but failed on the moral and ethical side. People there were concerned about their jobs. They were concerned about themselves not about the victims.

A focus on the mission of the organization not the people carrying out the mission is paramount.

